Tariff Consultancy Ltd (TCL) has today re-launched the bi-monthly TCL Tariff Trend SnapShot news analysis service.
The TCL Tariff Trend SnapShot news analysis service provides an easy to read update and insight service into current telecoms pricing subjects and is issued in a convenient PowerPoint format of 25 to 30 pages per issue. Each issue provides a unique insight into a newsworthy telecoms trend and is prepared by a TCL analyst.
The TCL Tariff Trend SnapShot is published 20 times a year, with an issue available at the start and in the middle of each month, for an annual subscription fee of £495 GBP per annum. Single issues can be purchased for a price of £75 GBP per issue.
Since September 2012 to date some 11 subjects have been covered in the TCL Tariff Trend SnapShot service including the following:
Forthcoming editions of the TCL Tariff Trend SnapShot during 2013 will include a survey of the impact of the recession on MNOs in Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain, the latest trends on mobile banking, M2M services, mobile health services and the impact of the growth in Big Data for fixed line providers and MNOs.
The TCL Tariff Trend SnapShot service will continue to be updated to provide a valuable insight into current pricing trends and new business developments.
Further information on the TCL Tariff Trend SnapShot subscription service is available on the TCL website at: www.telecomspricing.com
Email us on [email protected] for a trial issue.
Note to the editor
About the TCL Tariff Trend SnapShot – is a subscription service that is published 20 times a year for the cost of £495 GBP per annum. It provides 25 slides of PowerPoint analysis on a current telecoms pricing trend by TCL analysts. Users can alternatively purchase a single edition of the SnapShot for £95 GBP per edition.
About TCL – Tariff Consultancy Ltd is an international pricing research and consultancy company based in London. TCL publishes a range of Tariff Tracker subscription services and one off reports on mobile, fixed line Broadband and Data Centre services. It also provides bespoke consultancy and research for telecoms operators, regulators and vendors around the world. Further information on TCL’s services are available on the TCL website at www.telecomspricing.com
TCL can be contacted at [email protected] or follow us on Twitter at: twitter.com/Telecomspricing